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- Sebelum mengerjakan ujian, periksalah terlebih dulu, jumlah soal dan nomor halaman yang terdapat pada naskah soal. Naskah soal ini terdiri dari 13 halaman.
- Tulislah nomor peserta Anda pada lembar jawaban di tempat yang disediakan.
- Tulislah kode naskah soal ini, pada lembar jawaban di tempat yang disediakan. Kode naskah soal ini: 436
- Bacalah dengan cermat setiap petunjuk yang menjelaskan cara menjawab soal.
- Pikirkanlah sebaik-baiknya sebelum menjawab tiap soal, karena setiap jawaban yang salah akan mengakibatkan pengurangan nilai (penilaian: benar +4, kosong 0, salah -1).
- Jawablah lebih dulu soal-soal yang menurut Anda mudah, kemudian lanjutkan dengan menjawab soal-soal yang lebih sukar sehingga semua soal terjawab.
- Tulislah jawaban Anda pada lembar jawaban ujian yang disediakan.
- Untuk keperluan coret-mencoret, harap menggunakan tempat yang kosong pada naskah soal ini dan jangan pernah menggunakan lembar jawaban karena akan mengakibatkan jawaban Anda tidak dapat terbaca.
- Selama ujian, Anda tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau meminta penjelasan mengenai soal-soal yang diujikan kepada siapapun, termasuk kepada pengawas ujian.
- Setelah ujian selesai, Anda diharapkan tetap duduk di tempat Anda sampai pengawas ujian datang ke tempat Anda untuk mengumpulkan lembar jawaban.
- Perhatikan agar lembar jawaban ujian tidak kotor, tidak basah, tidak terlipat, dan tidak sobek.
- PETUNJUK A: Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat.
- PETUNJUK B: Soal terdiri dari 3 bagian, yaitu PERNYATAAN, kata SEBAB, dan ALASAN yang disusun berurutan. Pilihlah:
(A) Jika pernyataan benar, alasan benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat
(B) Jika pernyataan benar, alasan benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat
(C) Jika pernyataan benar dan alasan salah
(D) Jika pernyataan salah dan alasan benar
(E) Jika pernyataan dan alasan keduanya salah - PETUNJUK C: Pilihlah:
(A) Jika (1), (2), dan (3) yang benar
(B) Jika (1) dan (3) yang benar
(C) Jika (2) dan (4) yang benar
(D) Jika hanya (4) yang benar
(E) Jika semuanya benar
A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state or republic, or, less commonly, between two countries created from a formerly united nation state. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region, or to change (46) _______ policies. Civil wars since the end of World War II have lasted on (47) _______ just over four years, a dramatic rise from the one-and-a-half year average of the 1900-1944 period. (48) _______ the rate of emergence of new civil wars has been relatively steady since the mid-19th century, the increasing length of those wars resulted in increasing numbers of wars ongoing at any one time. For example, there were no more than five civil wars underway (49) _______ in the first half of the 20th century, while over 20 concurrent civil wars were occurring at the end of the Cold War, before a significant decrease as conflicts strongly associated with the superpower rivalry came to an end. Since 1945, civil wars have resulted in the deaths of over 25 million people, as well as the forced displacement of millions more. Civil wars have further resulted in economic collapse; Burma (Myanmar), Uganda and Angola are examples of nations that were (50) _______ to have promising futures before being engulfed in civil wars.
Gunakan Petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 46 sampai nomor 50.
(A) government
(B) governed
(C) governing
(D) governmental
(E) govern
47. Civil wars since the end of World War II have lasted on _______ just over four years, a dramatic rise from the one-and-a-half year average of the 1900-1944 period.
(A) approximation
(B) standard
(C) median
(D) estimate
(E) average
48. _______ the rate of emergence of new civil wars has been relatively steady since the mid-19th century, the increasing length of those wars resulted in increasing numbers of wars ongoing at any one time.
(A) Because
(B) Unless
(C) Before
(D) While
(E) As if
49. For example, there were no more than five civil wars underway _______ in the first half of the 20th century, while over 20 concurrent civil wars were occurring at the end of the Cold War.
(A) consecutively
(B) simultaneously
(C) spontaneously
(D) separately
(E) repeatedly
50. Burma (Myanmar), Uganda and Angola are examples of nations that were _______ to have promising futures before being engulfed in civil wars.
(A) consider
(B) considering
(C) considered
(D) considerate
(E) consideration
Mangroves live life on the edge. With one foot on land and one in the sea, these botanical amphibians occupy a zone of desiccating heat, choking mud, and salt levels that would kill an ordinary plant within hours. Yet the forests mangroves form are among (52) ______. Birds roost in the canopy, shellfish attach themselves to the roots, and snakes and crocodiles come to hunt. Mangroves provide nursery grounds for fish; a food source for monkeys, deer, tree-climbing crabs, even kangaroos; and a nectar source for bats and honeybees.
As a group, mangroves cannot (53) ______ too closely. There are some 70 species from two dozen families—among them palm, hibiscus, holly, plumbago, acanthus, legumes, and myrtle. They range from prostrate shrubs to 200-foot-high (60 meters) timber trees. Though most prolific in Southeast Asia, where they are thought to have originated, mangroves circle the globe. Most live within 30 degrees of the Equator, but a few hardy types (54) ______ to temperate climates, and one lives as far from the tropical sun as New Zealand. Wherever they live, they share one thing in common: They’re brilliant adapters. Each mangrove has an ultrafiltration system to keep much of the salt out and a complex root system that allows it to survive in the intertidal zone. Some have (56) ______ that stick out of the mud to help them take in air; others use prop roots or buttresses to keep their trunks upright in the soft sediments at tide’s edge.
These plants are also landbuilders par excellence. Some Aborigines in northern Australia believe one mangrove species resembles their primal ancestor, Giyapara, who walked across the mudflats and brought the tree into existence. The plants’ interlocking roots stop riverborne sediments from (57) ______ out to sea, and their trunks and branches serve as a palisade that diminishes the erosive power of waves.
They are sacrificed for salt pans, aquaculture ponds, housing developments, roads, port facilities, hotels, golf courses, and farms. And they die from a thousand indirect cuts: oil spills, chemical pollution, sediment overload, and disruption of their sensitive water and salinity balance. Calls for mangrove conservation gained a brief but significant hearing following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Where mangrove forests were intact, they not only served as natural breakwaters, (58) ______ by mitigating property damage, perhaps saving lives. The logic of allowing a country’s mangrove "bioshields" to be bulldozed looked flawed.
51. The sentence "Despite their strategic importance, mangroves are under threat worldwide." should be put as ...
(A) the last sentence of paragraph 1.
(B) the first sentence of paragraph 2.
(C) the last sentence of paragraph 2.
(D) the first sentence of paragraph 3.
(E) the first sentence of paragraph 4.
52. Mangroves form some of the _______ ecosystems on Earth.
(A) the most productive and complex biologically ecosystem on Earth
(B) the most productive and biologically complex ecosystem on Earth
(C) Earth most productive and biologically complex ecosystems
(D) biologically and most productive complex ecosystems on Earth
(E) the most complex ecosystems and biologically productive on Earth
53. The expression "they share one thing in common" in the second paragraph means that they ...
(A) have to share one common thing.
(B) are sharing their similar things.
(C) have one similar characteristic.
(D) are common in most things.
(E) commonly share their things.
54. Some mangroves have _______ that stick out of the mud to help them take in air.
(A) pneumatophores-like roots called snorkel
(B) snorkel which are like roots called pneumatophores
(C) pneumatophores-like snorkel roots
(D) roots which are like pneumatophores snorkel
(E) snorkel-like roots called pneumatophores
55. Mangroves cannot _______ too closely.
(A) define
(B) defined
(C) be defined
(D) defining
(E) be defining
56. A few hardy types of mangroves _______ to temperate climates.
(A) adapt
(B) adapted
(C) are adapting
(D) have adapted
(E) had adapted
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