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  1. Sebelum mengerjakan ujian, periksalah terlebih dulu, jumlah soal dan nomor halaman yang terdapat pada naskah soal. Naskah soal ini terdiri dari 13 halaman. 
  2. Tulislah nomor peserta Anda pada lembar jawaban di tempat yang disediakan. 
  3. Tulislah kode naskah soal ini, pada lembar jawaban di tempat yang disediakan. Kode naskah soal ini: 204
  4. Bacalah dengan cermat setiap petunjuk yang menjelaskan cara menjawab soal. 
  5. Pikirkanlah sebaik-baiknya sebelum menjawab tiap soal, karena setiap jawaban yang salah akan mengakibatkan pengurangan nilai (penilaian: benar +4, kosong 0, salah -1). 
  6. Jawablah lebih dulu soal-soal yang menurut Anda mudah, kemudian lanjutkan dengan menjawab soal-soal yang lebih sukar sehingga semua soal terjawab. 
  7. Tulislah jawaban Anda pada lembar jawaban ujian yang disediakan. 
  8. Untuk keperluan coret-mencoret, harap menggunakan tempat yang kosong pada naskah soal ini dan jangan pernah menggunakan lembar jawaban karena akan mengakibatkan jawaban Anda tidak dapat terbaca. 
  9. Selama ujian, Anda tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau meminta penjelasan mengenai soal-soal yang diujikan kepada siapapun, termasuk kepada pengawas ujian. 
  10. Setelah ujian selesai, Anda diharapkan tetap duduk di tempat Anda sampai pengawas ujian datang ke tempat Anda untuk mengumpulkan lembar jawaban. 
  11. Perhatikan agar lembar jawaban ujian tidak kotor, tidak basah, tidak terlipat, dan tidak sobek.


  • PETUNJUK A: Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat. 
  • PETUNJUK B: Soal terdiri dari 3 bagian, yaitu PERNYATAAN, kata SEBAB, dan ALASAN yang disusun berurutan. Pilihlah:
    (A) Jika pernyataan benar, alasan benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat
    (B) Jika pernyataan benar, alasan benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat
    (C) Jika pernyataan benar dan alasan salah
    (D) Jika pernyataan salah dan alasan benar
    (E) Jika pernyataan dan alasan keduanya salah 
  • PETUNJUK C: Pilihlah:
    (A) Jika (1), (2), dan (3) yang benar
    (B) Jika (1) dan (3) yang benar
    (C) Jika (2) dan (4) yang benar
    (D) Jika hanya (4) yang benar
    (E) Jika semuanya benar


European society in the 18th century was a broad pyramid, with the few of the nobility at the top and the masses of the peasantry at the bottom. In western Europe there was an increasing split between the wealthy nobility, who spent much of their time practicing exquisite etiquette at court, and those lower nobles who stayed in the countryside, hunting and running their estates with little concern for either social niceties or abstract ideas. Only a few at the social peak lived the life portrayed in 20th century historical novels−amid bright chandeliers, powdered wigs, and beautiful women−but it was in this milieu that the century earned its reputation for licentiousness and decadence. Every monarch had his mistresses, and the ways of Versailles were mimicked across Europe, most absurdly in the courts of the tiny German principalities.

Gunakan Petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 41 sampai nomor 42.

41. The topic of this paragraph is _______.

  1. the wealthy and the poor
  2. the European pyramid
  3. the wealthy nobility in Europe
  4. the European luxurious life in the 18th century
  5. social life in the 18th century European society

42. The paragraph which precedes this one most likely discusses _______.

  1. European lower nobles
  2. wealthy people in Germany
  3. family disputes in Europe
  4. social class in European society
  5. social problems

A monkey that has acquired the sole power to hand out apples is generously rewarded with grooming sessions by the other monkeys in its group. However, as soon as another monkey can hand out apples as well, the market value of the first monkey is halved. The monkeys therefore unerringly obey the law of supply and demand. In the experiment researchers placed food containers with highly-desired pieces of apple in two groups of South African vervet monkeys.

For the monkeys there was just one problem: only one in each group could open the food container. This monkey had a low position in the rank order and was therefore scarcely groomed. However, as soon as she acquired the power to hand out apples she was valued more and was groomed a lot by the rest of the group. Yet she could only enjoy that privilege briefly; the researchers placed a second food container that could be opened by another low-ranking female. From that moment onwards the market value of the first monkey was halved, and she was therefore groomed half as often.

The experiments revealed that the female monkeys that could open the food containers were groomed more than when they exerted no power over the food production. The females concerned also did not have to groom the other monkeys as long. They were therefore paid for their services as food suppliers. Biological market theory predicts that the market value of these female monkeys should vary according to the law of supply and demand. The fact that the grooming time of the first monkey was halved as soon as the second monkey gained the power to distribute apples, confirms this idea; the price of goods - in this case the female monkeys who could open the containers – was instantaneously adjusted to the market.

Immediately after the opening of the food containers, the researchers registered how long the females were groomed for. The next occasion on which the females could open a container was, however, several days later. The fact that the females were still groomed more indicates that the vervet monkeys apply a strategy that works in the long term. The choice of partners is also influenced by long-term attitudes; the monkeys can value one monkey relatively more than the others. A change in price − grooming for less long if there is another monkey that supplies apples − is only possible if a negotiation process takes place. Many economists assume that such negotiations can only take place if they are concluded with a contract. However, the vervet monkeys do not have the possibility to conclude such binding contracts and yet they still succeed in agreeing to a change in price for a service.

Gunakan Petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 43 sampai nomor 47.

43. The most appropriate title for this passage is _______.

  1. Vervet Monkeys’ Grooming Habits
  2. Why Monkeys Groom
  3. Monkeys’ Reward for Distributing Food
  4. Economic Rules of Supply and Demand for Monkeys
  5. The Application of Economic Principles

44. The word "unerringly" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

  1. equally
  2. precisely
  3. progressively
  4. abruptly
  5. unexpectedly

45. According to the text, the grooming time of the female monkey that can open a food container _______.

  1. is decided through negotiations with other monkeys
  2. is not affected when another female can supply apples
  3. is reduced if there is another monkey that supplies apples
  4. is determined by the number of apples they can provide
  5. is always the same for every monkey

46. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE, according to the text?

  1. Vervet monkeys only apply a short term strategy.
  2. Female monkeys supplying apples received rewards from other groups.
  3. There were two food containers involved in the experiment.
  4. Vervet monkeys behave according to the law of supply and demand.
  5. Vervet monkeys could have negotiations without binding contracts.

47. This passage would probably be an assigned reading in which of the following course?

  1. Economics
  2. Science
  3. Sociology
  4. Statistics
  5. Psychology

Major developments have taken place in the field of agriculture during the last century, one of the most important of which has been the introduction and extensive use of machinery. This has had great effects on the environment and on the lives of millions of people around the world. ____(48)____ , consideration of some of the efforts of agricultural mechanization , both positive and negative, is ____(49)____ for any country currently experiencing an increase in the use of such machines. The ____(50)____ increase in output that has been made possible by more use of mechanization is probably the most important positive effect of this process. The speed of planting crops, spreading fertilizers and pesticides, and harvesting, is phenomenal. All three of these processes contribute to equally enormous increases in production. ____(51)____, mechanization has improved food production during this century and has helped to feed the larger world ____(52)____.

Gunakan Petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 48 sampai nomor 52.

48. ....

  1. Besides
  2. Therefore
  3. Otherwise
  4. In addition
  5. However

49. ....

  1. serious
  2. thorough
  3. efficient
  4. sensitive
  5. essential

50. ....

  1. whole
  2. absolute
  3. vast
  4. urgent
  5. gradual

51. ....

  1. However
  2. In addition
  3. Besides
  4. Thus
  5. Moreover

52. ....

  1. population
  2. populated
  3. populous
  4. populate
  5. populist

Gunakan Petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 53 sampai nomor 60.

53. "Did you complete your term paper last night?"

"_______, but I was too tired"

  1. I was lucky
  2. I should have done it
  3. I’m terribly sorry
  4. I couldn’t make it
  5. I managed to

54. "The earthquake happening at about 3 o’clock yesterday caused many people to panic."

"Including me, as I _______ on the third-floor of my office at that time."

  1. worked
  2. have worked
  3. have been working
  4. was working
  5. had worked

55. "Where’s the report, Ben? You told me it would be ready by now. I need it for the board meeting this afternoon."

"Don’t worry, Jim. _______ before the board meeting."

  1. I have it finished
  2. I have had it finished
  3. I will have it finished
  4. The report will finish
  5. The report has finished

56. _______ his parents had wanted him to be a government administrator when he graduated from college, he ended up to be the most wanted terrorist of the country.

  1. When
  2. While
  3. Until
  4. Since
  5. Unless

57. "Did you receive our inquiry? When will we receive your confirmation?"

"My apology. It seems that _______. Could you possibly resend it?"

  1. we mislay your letter
  2. your letter is mislaid
  3. we had mislaid your letter
  4. your letter has been mislaid
  5. your letter was mislaid

58. I’ve just received an email from the bookstore _______ that the newest Harry Potter novel will be available next week.

  1. to say
  2. saying
  3. which said
  4. to be saying
  5. said

59. "Your hair looks great."

"Thanks. I ______________ at that new hairdresser’s."

  1. cut my hair
  2. have cut my hair
  3. had my hair cut
  4. had to cut my hair
  5. was cutting my hair

60. "I’ve called him several times to no avail. He must have forgotten to bring his mobile phone."

This means that he _______.

  1. didn’t have a mobile phone
  2. didn’t remember to bring his mobile phone
  3. remembered bringing his mobile phone
  4. could not remember his mobile phone
  5. didn’t forget to bring his mobile phone


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