• Kecelakaan transportasi (KA, pesawat udara, bus),
• Keracunan makanan,
• Penjualan perumahan fiktif,
• Likuidasi 16 bank bermasalah,
• Pemungutan dana stiker Sea Games,
• Pemadaman listrik oleh PT PLN, dan lain-lain.
Kasus: Konsumen v Bank BCA
YLKI: Konsumen Bank BCA a.n. Sri Rahayu A/C: 005-010814-7, alamat Jl. Raya Bogor No. 2 RT 04/06, Kramatjati, Jaktim.
Konsumen tuna netra nasabah Tahapan BCA melalui fasilitas Halo BCA.
Ybs tidak dapat membuat tanda tangan (hanya menggunakan cap jempol tangan) maka apabila ybs ingin menjadi nasabah BCA ditetapkan persyaratan khusus yi menggunakan pengampu yang diangkat oleh hakim berdasarkan suatu putusan pengadilan. Ketentuan ini untuk melindungi nasabah yi demi keselamatan dana nasabah dari kemungkinan penyalahgunaan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
- Pasal 7 UUPK kurang lengkap.
- Pasal 5 UU No. 4 Tahun 1997 Tentang
Penyandang Cacat Konsumen v Bank BCA
“setiap penyandang cacat mempunyai hak yang sama dalam segala aspek kehidupan dan penghidupan”. - Seseorang tidak cakap apabila sakit ingatan/gila dan di bawah umur 21 tahun.
- Sumber: Bidang Pengaduan YLKI, Register Kasus No. 128/B/SDM/YLKI/1999, 17 Feb 1999).
Perlindungan Konsumen Jasa Pendidikan
- Terganggunya proses belajar mengajar karena konflik internal sekolah/universitas.
- Praktik bisnis tidak sehat dengan menjadikan siswa sebagai objek bisnis.
- Siswa harus menerima beban pelajaran di luar kemampuan siswa.
- Trik-trik pemasaran sekolah/universitas dalam bentuk iklan/brosur, belum tampil sebagai sumber informasi yang utuh, namun lebih berbau persuasif bahkan manipulatif.
- Pelajaran di sekolah tidak mencukupi.
Perlindungan Konsumen Jasa Telekomunikasi
• PT Telkom
– Tanggap terhadap keluhan pelanggan. “Hari ini mengadu, hari ini beres”.
– Ada inisiatif untuk menggelar Forum Temu Pelanggan (5 Juli 1997, Bentara Budaya Jakarta).
– Belum ada standar mekanisme penyelesaian pengaduan konsumen.
– Sistem pengaduan masalah yang dialami konsumen.
Negara lain Amerika Serikat (the US)
"Product liability" means liability for damages because of any personal injury, death, emotional harm, consequential economic damage, or property damage, including damages resulting from the loss of use of property, arising out of the manufacture, design, importation, distribution, packaging, labeling, lease, or sale of a product, but does not include the liability of any person for those damages if the product involved was in the possession of the person when the incident giving rise to the claim occurred – Tanggung Jawab Produksi.
Product Liability
Product Liability means the responsibility of any and all parties contributing to the manufacture of a given product for any and all damages caused by said product.
A product can be deemed defective for any of the following reasons:
◦ Negligence
◦ Breach of Implied or Expressed Warranties
◦ Strict Liability
Defective products can ruin lives. They can cause serious injury, disability, even death. So, it is only right that those who were negligent in the manufacture of a product be held liable.
• Unfair contract means a contract:
a) that is unfair, harsh or unconscionable, or
b) that is against the public interest, or
c) that provides a total remuneration that is less than a person performing the work would receive as an employee performing the work,or
d) that is designed to, or does, avoid the provisions of an industrial instrument.
Redress mechanism is valuable indicator of client satisfaction with the service and tool to deal with satisfaction.
• Who Are Consumers?
Consumers are anyone who consumes goods and services from the market, for his own or his family's consumption. This means everybody is a consumer. Producers are also consumers because they too consume goods and services.
• Source: www.kpdnhq.gov.my
• Contest questions
– 1. Write a letter of complaint to a shopkeeper who has sold unsafe food items.
– 2. Write a letter to a local consumer organization, outlining a problem consumers have with getting refunds and replacements for faulty products and suggest ways that they can help.
• Extracted from Consumer Responsibilities and Rights, S.S. Nathan, Principal, Bala Vidya Mandir, Chennai
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