- Course Identity
Faculty : FMIPA UNY
Study Program : Pendidikan Biologi
Course/Code : Science Education/ PBG261
Credit : 1 sks (0.5 T, 0.5 P)
Semester /Term : 7
Prerequisite : General Biology
Professor : Dr. Slamet Suyanto, M. Ed.
- Course Description:
The Science Education Course (Bio) is a compulsory subject to biology teacher education program. This course is intended to educate the students to become professional science teachers. Students are expected to develop undertanding and competences on the characteristics of science, including the objects of science, scientific methods, attitudes, and skills, thinking scientifically, identifying the roles of students and teachers in science class, the use of ICT, learning strategies, science projects, and assessment in science instruction.
- Standard of competence:
- Understanding the characteristics of science education.
- Understanding the scitific methods, process, and skills.
- Understanding the scientific attitudes of science education.
- Understanding the scientific products of science education.
- Understanding the objects and phenomena of science.
- Understanding the roles of science teachers and students .
- Understanding instructional strategies in science education.
- Coprehending the use of a computer, media, and natural objects in science instruction.
- Comprehending techniques in evaluating and assessing students’ learning.
- Activity Outline :
- Strategy
Learning contract
Pembagian kelompok
Pembagian tugas- Menyusun kelompok, ketua, dan anggota
- Membagi tugas & presentasi kelompok
Sains, IPA (Natural Science)& IPS (Social science)
- Ilmu
- Persamaan dan perbedaan IPA & IPS
Discuss the differences of natural sciences and social sciences and njon-sciences Carin, Arthur
A & Robert
Sund (1989) Teaching science
through Discovery.
p. 4-17
Metode ilmiah Ilmiah Mencari di internet
- Logico-Deducto-hypotetico-verificative
- Masalah
- Informasi
- Hipotesis
- Rencana pemecahan
- Pemecahan
- Data Hasil
- Kesimpulan
Watch a video on a scientific discovery: the air and discuss scientific methods Practice observing objects by using a measuring tools
Designing an experiment
Rezba, R. D.,et al. (1995).Learning and Assessing Science Process Skills.P.5-10
Carin, Arthur A & Robert Sund (1989) Teaching science through Discovery.
p. 4-17
Keterampilan proses Ilmiah Melakukan
- Observasi
- Pengukuran
- Membanding kan
- Klasifikasi
- Inferensi
- Statistik
- Disain percobaan
- Mengontrol variabel
Watch a video on a scientific discovery: clonning and discuss scientific attitudes and product
Rezba, R. D., et al. (1995), p. 5-10
Carin, Arthur A & Robert Sund (1989) Teaching science through Discovery.
p. 4-17
VProduk Ilmiah
Mencari contoh
- Fakta
- Konsep
- Prinsip
- Teori
- Hukum
Menganalisis jurnal penelitian Rezba, R. D., et al. (1995), p. 5-10
Carin, Arthur A & Robert Sund (1989) Teaching science through Discovery.
p. 4-17
VISikap Ilmiah Mencari contoh
- Jujur
- Objektif
- Skeptis
- Preserference
- Pikiran Terbuka
Memutar video Cloning Carin, Arthur A & Robert Sund (1989) Teaching science through Discovery.
p. 4-17VIIUjian TengahSemester
VIIIMemahami IPA sekolah Dasar Menganalisis:
- Standar isi
- Standar pembelajaran/proses
- Standar penilaian
Observasi pembelajaran IPA SD NSTA (2007) Standards of science education
BSCS green version (p.54-59)IXMemahami IPA SMP
- Standar isi
- Standar pembelajaran/proses
- Standar penilaian
Reading, Discussion, Presentation
NSTA (2007) Standards of science education
XMemahami STSE
Mencari di Internet keterkaitan antara sains, lingkungan, teknologi, dan masyarakat (salingtemas)
Individual project, presentation Handbook for beginning teachers (153-195) XISTEPWISE Mencaari di internet pengertian STEPWISE
Reading, simulation Handbook for beginning teachers (153-195) XIIPembelajaran sains Terpadu
Pembelajaran sains terpadu di SD dan SMP Fogarty, R. (2003) Integrating the curricula XIIIKemajuan sains dan teknologi
Mencari di internet kemajuan sains dan teknologi terkini
XIVDampak negatif Iptek Mencari di internet dampak negative dari kemajuan IPTEK XVUjian Sisipan II
Final Exam Topic IV-
- Assignment:
- Assign dateDue dateWorth (%)
- Observation report: Science in Elementary school
- The roles of a science teachers, an observation report
- Design an experiment and do Science process skills
- Midterm examination
- Final examination
Total worth References:
Compulsory:Carin, A. & Robert B. Sund. (1989). Teaching Science Through Discovery. 6th ed. Columbvus, Ohio: Merrill Publishing Company.Rezba, R. D., et al. (1995). Learning and Assessing Science Process Skills. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.Fogarty, R. (2003). Integrating the Curricula.BSCS (2006). Biological Science Curiculum Study. North Carolina: BSCS.Additional reading:Marsh, Collin. (1996). Handbook for Beginning Teachers. South Melbourne, Australia: Longman.
Funk, J. H.; Okey, J. R.; Fiei, R. L.; Jaus, H. H.; Spraque, C. S. (1998). Learning Science Process Skills. Oxford: Kendal Hunt Publishing Co.
Gagne, R., Briggs, L. & Wa ger, W. (1992). Principles of Instructional Design (4th Ed.). Fort Worth, TX: HBJ College Publishers
More, Kenneth D. (2005). Effective Instructional Strategies. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Bruner, J. (1996). The process of education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Jacobs, H. H. (1997). Mapping the big picture: Integrating curriculum and assessment K-12. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Evaluation:
- Process and product : 50%Mid-term test : 20%Final exam : 20%Partisipasi : 10%
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